Workshops and training courses as part of PeopleSun in Nigeria
October 16 – 20, 2023 | Clara Neyrand, Hannes Cramer, Philipp Blechinger and Katrin Lammers from RLI were in Nigeria from October 16 to 20 as part of the PeopleSun project. They supervised various workshops and training courses on site and strengthened the Nigerian-German exchange.
Here are a few impressions from their stay:
October 16 – Stakeholder engagement and networking event
On Monday, the researchers of the RLI and PeopleSUN project presented the results of the project and the tools used at the event “SDG 7 Deep Dive: Applied research to accelerate off-grid projects”.
At the event, Clara, Hannes and Katrin presented the objectives of the project, the off-grid planner tool developed by RLI and its application examples. The projects “Knowlegde Hub for Off-Grid electrification in Nigeria”, a knowledge platform that provides information on everything to do with off-grid in Nigeria and “Communities of Practice (CP) Nigeria”, where selected communities receive support in the development of mini-grid projects, were also presented.
October 17 & 18 – PeopleSuN tool trainings
On Tuesday and Wednesday, Hannes, Katrin and Philipp held training sessions on the Offgridplanner tool. The participants learned how to use the open source tool to optimize off-grid power supply systems. The tool, which was developed within the PeopleSun project, is specially tailored to the Nigerian context.
October 18 & 19 – Workshops with CP representatives (Project: CP-Nigeria)
On Wednesday and Thursday, the CP-Nigeria project team, consisting of RLI, greenwerk and the CTH, held a workshop. There they supported the participants in planning their own mini-grid project for their communities. The RLI team showed them how to use the toolbox created for this purpose. The participants also discussed initial drafts of the implementation plans for each municipality.
October 20 – Visit of the mini-network to the Wuse market in Abuja
On Friday, the team visited the Wuse market, Abuja’s largest market. There is a mini PV grid that supplies electricity to two blocks of 24 stores in the market. Over the next month, the entire market will be supplied with electricity via the mini-grid.
The website of the PeopleSun project can be found here.