Global island overview to identify market regions for renewable technologies.
1. July 2015
Sub-sector analysis on the market potential for battery storage systems in Tanzania
1. July 2015
Global island overview to identify market regions for renewable technologies.
1. July 2015
Sub-sector analysis on the market potential for battery storage systems in Tanzania
1. July 2015

Assessment of GIS capacities for rural electrification planning of four Nigerian States

Geographical information systems (GIS) allow for detailed rural electrification planning. To achieve that it is necessary to analyse the existing GIS capacities and GIS infrastructures. Within this project GIS centers of the Nigerian States Cross River, Ogun, Plateau and Sokoto are visited. This project is carried out in line with the Nigerian Energy Support Programme (NESP).

Project Period: 05.01.2015 - 28.02.2015

Within this project GIS capacities for rural electrification planning of four Nigerian States (Cross River, Ogun, Plateau and Sokoto) are assessed.


Catherina Cader

Head of Unit
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