3.6. | Eastern German Economic Forum
3. June 2024Charging requirements reassessed up to 2030: Study on publicly accessible charging points and charging capacity sets guidelines for expansion
5. June 20245. – 6.6. | BDEW Congress
June 5th & 6th | Berlin
RLI Managing Director Kathrin Goldammer will take part in a panel discussion at this year’s congress of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW).
The title of the topic session on June 6 is “Next Level: Digital twin for efficient energy networks!” Among other things, the discussion will focus on finding answers to complexity and mass data, rethinking operational management and the question of how to break down and connect data silos. Kathrin will be joined in the discussion by Robert Klaffus, CEO of PSI Software, Uwe Vogt, CEO of AUCOTEC and Thomas Volk, Chief Executive Officer of BKW Infra Services Europe.
The BDEW congress is the largest energy congress in Germany. Around 1,500 representatives from business, politics, science and NGOs will meet in Berlin on June 5 and 6, 2024 under the motto “Making things simple together”.
Further information on the event can be found here.