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Comprehensive representation of models for energy system analyses: Insights from the Energy Modelling Platform for Europe (EMP-E) 2017 (Müller et al. 2018)



Berit Müller, Francesco Gardumi, Ludwig Hülk

Paper, eingereicht und veröffentlicht in Energy Strategy Reviews, Volume 21, August 2018

This article discusses different approaches that are used to present and categorise models used in energy system analysis, with the overall objective to improve their quality, efficiency, and outreach to policy makers and public stakeholders involved in the European energy transition. A comprehensive literature review identifying strengths and limitations of existing approaches of classification is conducted. It highlights the tendency towards a versatile presentation of models, where the same set of information is available for all users while the way it is presented can be customised according to the background and interests of several stakeholder groups (e.g., modellers, researchers in the energy field, policy advisers, and policy makers). Online platforms enhance this concept by allowing dynamic adaptations. We think that improving this approach could be a potentially significant contribution to the scientific work in the field of energy system analysis. In addition to the literature review, we include experiences from the first meeting of the Energy Modelling Platform for Europe (EMP-E 2017). The participants used different formats to present their models. In the open space provided, the trade-off between simplicity and completeness of representation was visible. Feedback of the meeting showed that gathering European modellers and policy makers in a personal meeting is valuable as it motivates and improves exchange between modelling groups and between modellers and those stakeholders who are interested in specific results.

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