eMO Berlin Study
14. December 2017Opening the black box of energy modelling: Strategies and lessons learned (Pfenninger et al. 2017)
9. January 2018Which role do hydrogen and battery electric vehicles play in the future of mobility? – A debate without simple answers (Arnhold et al. 2017)
Oliver Arnhold, Fabian Grüger, Alexander Wanitschke, Kathrin Goldammer
For over seven years, Reiner Lemoine Institute (RLI) has been researching the options of integrating the sustainable transition of both the energy and the mobility sector. Hydrogen fuel from renewable energy is a controversial topic in research, politics and industry, especially when comparing hydrogen electric vehicles with battery electric vehicles, the latter of which are at the center of current public attention. In this article, we offer an overview of the debate’s most common lines of argumentation and provide additional details and data from RLI’s work on some of the disputed issues.Pre-print of an article published in ATZelektronik 05/2017