Reducing Vibration Issues at Small Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines on Buildings (Grunwald et al. 2013)
7. Februar 2013
PV-Hybridisierung von Mini-Grids auf den Philippinen
27. Februar 2013
Reducing Vibration Issues at Small Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines on Buildings (Grunwald et al. 2013)
7. Februar 2013
PV-Hybridisierung von Mini-Grids auf den Philippinen
27. Februar 2013

Geographic, technological and economic analysis of isolated diesel grids to assess the upgrading potential with renewable energies – A case study of Tanzania

Paul Bertheau, Catherina Cader, Philipp Blechinger, Christian Breyer

2nd Intern. Conf. on Micro Perspectives for Decentralized Energy Supply, 28 February – 1 March 2013,Berlin, Germany

In Tanzania off-grid electricity is mainly supplied by diesel generators. This causes harmful air pollution and leads to high power generation cost. Contrary to that renewable energies can provide affordable and environmentally sound power. This paper indicates that a potential of at least 22 MW is available for upgrading isolated diesel grids to hybrid grids. The electricity is supplied by state-owned utilities and private cooperatives, representing two contrary business models. A geographic analysis is developed in order to localize isolated diesel grids. Furthermore, detected diesel grids are analyzed in terms of installed capacity, operators and tariff structure.With rising fuel prices, it is expected that upgrading with renewable energies will become the most competitive option for rural areas of Tanzania.

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